Darin: "My name is Darin Thomas. I am the former Scoutmaster for Troop 72. Honor guard, please escort the Eagle candidate and his parents to the stage." (Honor guard escorts Ben to the front, where he takes a seat facing the audience.) (Honor guard is former SPLs Nate Sandomierski and Jordan Berg.) Darin: "Presentation of the Eagle Award is an important and serious matter. For the Eagle Candidate before us tonight, this award is a climax of over five years of Scouting efforts." "We have the honor and pleasure of recognizing Ben as our troop's first Eagle Scout. Many people in Ben's life have labored long and faithfully to build his character, develop his leadership, and hone his citizenship through the Boy Scout program. However, it is the candidate's personal efforts and achievement that culminates this evening in the presentation of the Eagle Award." "Ben, please stand and give the Scout Sign, and repeat after me. If there are other Eagle Scouts in the room, please stand and repeat the pledge along with Ben." (wait for them to stand) Darin/Ben/Eagles: "I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself the obligations and responsibilities of an Eagle Scout." "With the help of God, I will do my best to make my training an example." "My influence and my opportunities strongly count for physical fitness, for wholesome character and for devoted citizenship, in Scouting, and in my community." "To this I pledge my sacred honor." Darin: (to Eagles in audience) "You may be seated." Darin: "Ben, you have been judged by the Boy Scouts of America of being worthy of the highest rank in this great movement. All who know you rejoice in your achievement. Your position, as you know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation. As you live up to your pledge, you bring honor to yourself and to your brother Scouts." Darin: "You may present your Eagle parents' pins to your mother and father." (Ben puts pin on mom and tie tack on dad.) Darin: "Ben, would you like to say a few words before the official award?" Ben: (delivers acceptance speech) Darin: "Ben, by the authority vested in me by the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America, it is my privilege and pleasure to officially declare you an Eagle Scout. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you EAGLE SCOUT BENJAMIN JOHN ARNEBERG!" (Thunderous applause) Darin: "To conclude the ceremony, I'd like to introduce Jim Woldhuis, the pastor of Chippewa Valley Bible Church."